Augmented Reality in Energy Industry: Applications and Benefits

Augmented Reality in Energy Industry: Applications and Benefits

Why augmented reality in energy industry companies is booming

Within any energy and utility company, there is a constant, daily challenge to take the strain off engineering teams, maintain safety standards, and deliver on productivity expectations.

The legacy systems deployed for decades are obsolete. 

Demands for power are increasing dramatically. But so is the cost pressure. 

However, the energy and utility sector is in the midst of a seismic and much-needed digital transformation with the evolution of emerging technologies that are disrupting the industry at scale.

Companies that have been slow on adoption have lost ground. 

Those that moved swiftly, have tasted massive success across key areas and are reaping ROI from technologies like augmented reality.

There are a host of critical factors at play as to why augmented reality in energy industry companies has become such a powerful tool for innovation.  

GE Renewable Energy found teams using AR to be twice as fast in completing tasks.

They were also more accurate and made fewer mistakes. 

Key takeaways for augmented reality in energy industry companies


  • The adoption of AR in the energy sector is on the rise and is used for training, maintenance, and remote assistance.

Training Advances

  • AR is utilized for training and simulation in the energy sector. AR-based training programs can reduce human error, improve safety, and enhance learning outcomes. 

Maintenance and Field Services:

  • Technicians can use AR glasses or devices to access real-time data, diagrams, and expert guidance while performing maintenance tasks, which can enhance efficiency and reduce downtime.

Remote Assistance:

  • Remote assistance connects off-site experts with on-site personnel and allows experts to guide field workers, troubleshoot issues, and inspect equipment remotely, reducing the need for any physical presence.

Cost Savings:

  • Reduces downtime, minimizes experts’ travel expenses, and improves overall field operations’ efficiency.

Safety Benefits:

  • Dramatically improves safety in the industry with real-time information and visual overlays that help workers identify potential hazards and safety procedures.

Integration with IoT:

  • Increasingly integrated with the Internet of Things (IoT), AR provides a comprehensive view of equipment and operations, improving decision-making and predictive maintenance.

Application of augmented reality in energy industry companies 

As the pressure on energy and utility companies grows in dealing with the retirement of a highly skilled workforce, aging infrastructure, grid digitization, and increasing regulation, new solutions must be found.

So, how is augmented reality reshaping the industry in ways that combat the rising stress on its workforce?

1. Asset Maintenance 

Accelerating asset maintenance processes is an area in which augmented reality thrives.

With the imposition of 3D modeling on equipment that happens in real-time, there is exceptional scope for faster and more efficient problem-solving in a number of areas of asset maintenance. 

With the enhanced ability to see the unseen, AR helps field teams:

  • Instantly access operational documentation
  • Determine asset types, maintenance history, and replacement conditions
  • Swiftly react to damages
  • Streamline operations
  • Reduce costs and downtime

2.  Enhanced remote assistance 

With augmented reality in energy industry companies, there is also game-changing application in remote consulting where industry experts can provide leadership and mentorship to those learning the trade. 

The remote access to the decades of invaluable wisdom and expertise of older employees gives trainees a head start that allows them to be trained in actual environments, guided by those with a wealth of experience. 

It also dramatically cuts the budgetary spend on getting in subject matter experts. 

3. Superior Training

When it comes to providing additional and fundamental skills training, augmented reality has the potential to transform internal education and create levels of service delivery efficiency that significantly moves the needle.

Augmented reality in energy industry companies improves no end the training processes that are responsible for excellence in service delivery. 

But how?

  • Enhances training by adding objects into real environments
  • It gives trainees everything they need in their field of vision
  • It grants a better understanding of operational processes and related equipment
  • Improved synergy and consistency in approach

The benefits of augmented reality in energy industry environments 

For decades, the energy and utility sector has been too slow, cautious, and conservative in its approach. 

However, the shift towards adopting new and disruptive technologies is reaping the rewards for organizations that are fully focused on driving their operations into a new frontier of efficiency.

1. Reducing Service Expenses

With augmented reality, even the most experienced of new hires can gain the knowledge required to implement technology in their daily activities and be educated on the associated programs. 

It allows companies to negate the complex processes that deal with equipment diagnosing and to focus on the issues that have been pinpointed using AR. 

Another facet of augmented reality in energy industry settings is its ability to combat contraction within the engineering labor force and save significant resources.

2. Shorter Service Time 

With an extensive catalog of complex engineering knowledge and the help of engineers in senior positions available remotely via the real-time availability of augmented reality, companies can slash costly activities like travel and optimize the time to completion of projects. 

Furthermore, the ease with which engineers can access data and statistics means even less time is required for them to complete tasks in the field. 

3. Less Risk of Accidents 

Augmented reality in energy industry surroundings has tremendous benefits for health and safety. Whether it is subsurface analysis or machinery, AR can simulate the related hazards on the ground and in real-time to provide superior safety insights. 

This is a crucial aspect of implementing safety rules.

Specialists within the industry often need to operate at altitude and in compromising situations. They also use all manner of potentially dangerous machinery. 

So, how else is AR revolutionizing workplace safety in the energy and utilities sector?

  • Mapping and assessing risk areas
  • Safety rules can be displayed when entering danger zones
  • Faster access to knowledgeable professionals 
  • Less employees need to be deployed to areas 
  • With less risk comes less compensation payouts

4. Equipment Maintenance

With augmented visualization, technicians can gain unrivaled understanding when detailing the inspection of assets.

By using overlaid 3D models, teams can easily access virtual maps, real-time instructions and diagrams, and communication with experts to identify and locate concerns quickly and efficiently. 

When augmented reality in energy industry companies is implemented correctly, technicians can take their skills to a whole new level with visual cues that provide real-time guidance at every step of the maintenance procedure.

This visual approach ensures fewer errors, minimal downtime, detailed insights, and precise execution that can prevent failures before they occur. 

The benefits of AR for equipment maintenance go beyond on-site:

  • Upskilling with AR allows crews to train themselves with new equipment and processes
  • The immersive nature of AR means a higher capacity for training retention
  • Allows safety to train in environments that possess none of the usual environmental risks
  • Provides proactive approach with predictive analytics, performance metrics, and sensors
  • Fully optimized scheduling means more uptime
  • Documentation that is always up-to-date and accurate

5.  Reduced Training Time

By integrating augmented reality in energy industry training solutions, the time it takes to provide the highest standards of learning is cut significantly. 

Not only that, but the quality of the visually-based methods related to AR makes for superior outcomes in the field. 

Trainees have the ability to work through course material at a pace that best suits them best and ensures that retention and understanding are optimal. 

AR also opens the doors for education from industry experts that can be provided remotely and from anywhere in the world. 

The fact that training can be provided in safe, secure environments means companies can save money and time during training while gaining skills that give them the edge over their competition. 

Take the lead in the energy industry with AR solutions from PROVEN Reality 

With augmented reality in energy industry settings now finally being viewed as not only feasible but hugely beneficial, companies need to sit up and take notice of the fact that it is quickly becoming the industry standard. 

Too long has the sector relied on legacy systems and traditional methods that are risky, inefficient, and lacking the accuracy that AR provides at every touchpoint of operations.

It is a technology tailor-made for an industry that is crying out for innovation, and those at the head of organizations that want to skyrocket the quality of their service delivery should heed the winds of change.

And that change is already here.

Augmented reality has the potential to totally transform the most crucial aspects of operations within the energy and utilities sector.  

Are there challenges to adoption? There are always challenges when accepting a new norm. But augmented reality is now adding better vision, understanding, and collaboration to processes that will determine the trajectory of companies for decades. 

Ask us how we can help take your company into the brave new future of energy.