
We Have Created Professional
solutions For healthcare field
Our solution’s design process includes the integration of 3D imaging with AR/VR devices, which allows easier representation of medical issues. Furthermore, it helps medical professionals to make a more precise diagnosis.

Patient Examination. VR and AR in Healthcare Training

Proven Reality offers the Patient Training and Examination VR app through an all-in-one healthcare virtual platform. This application focuses on the patient examination, triage, and training aspects of the medical world. Physicians can perform physical manipulations through the app, ranging from lab and diagnostic analyses to lung and heart examinations. Furthermore, it helps medical trainees explore beyond the traditional training capabilities available with real-life patients. Medical students will be able to validate their evaluation against current data and reevaluate if necessary, offering them accessible and quality education, training, and an array of physical manipulations to work with.
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Video. Examination of the patient in virtual reality

Patient Care

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Video. Helping patients with virtual reality
Patient care is a critical function for medical institutions and professionals, and we at Proven Reality understand that. Using the Patient Care feature of our VR app, hospitals can now offer pain management and patient awareness solutions to make their healthcare procedures more comfortable.
The immersive pain management VR app allows healthcare professionals to reduce the stress experienced by pediatric and adult patients during a medical checkup, making it a comfortable process. The app also offers relief from acutely painful procedures, including the administration of vaccines and injections.
The patient awareness VR app enables healthcare professionals to prepare patients before and during medical manipulation, walking them through the details of the procedure.

Medical skills training. Auscultation

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Video. Training auscultation of the heart and lungs in virtual reality
The Auscultation VR app by Proven Reality is designed to help simulate a diagnostic environment that enables medical students to access real-time, quality training without an actual patient or mannequin present at the site. This diagnostic application (primarily for heart and lungs auscultation), offered as part of our all-in-one healthcare platform, provides students with the opportunity to practice with a range of pathologies and complications. A fully immersive experience, the app is easy-to-use, can be operated using a controller, and comes with clear instructions. This VR app aims to put accessible, modern education training on the driving seat.

Medical Skills training. Ultrasound examination

The Medical Skills Training (Ultrasound) application is available on the healthcare VR platform designed by Proven Reality. This VR app enables students to access and learn from an ultrasound simulation process. Furthermore, medical trainees can study and research various cases based on real ultrasound images. The Ultrasound training application is handy in identifying the proper techniques and diagnoses.
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Photo. Ultrasound examination

Medical Skills training.

Photo. Percussion process
The Medical Skills Training (Percussion) application, a part of the healthcare platform offered by Proven Reality, is helping advance the impact of immersive technologies in the healthcare industry. With this VR app, medical students can access a simulated environment to learn by listening to natural patient percussion sounds. Based on their deductions from percussion sounds and eventual diagnosis, trainees can also identify a range of diseases depending on the pathological condition.

Medical Equipemnent Training. CT Radiology

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Video. Training in the handling of medical equipment in virtual reality
Proven Reality’s healthcare-based VR app is designed to assist healthcare services while at the same time serve as a training tool. Intgerated with the Medical Equipment Training feature, this virtual platform can help healthcare professionals to train with medical equipment such as CT Radiology. The application offers medical professionals and trainees with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with a range of medical equipment, procedure training, and operations.

Nurses assessment and hiring

The Nurses Assessment and Hiring application, a critical section of the healthcare VR app developed by Proven Reality, contributes to elevating healthcare services worldwide.
The Nurses Assessment feature helps medical clinics and institutions gauge their in-house nurses’ efficiency by assessing their skills in a virtual environment. Furthermore, it offers valuable insights on nurses’ knowledge level and performance, allowing the establishment to build a feasible action plan.
The Nurses Hiring feature offered on the app enables healthcare establishments to assess and gauge the skills of nurses being interviewed with the help of a virtually emulated real-life environment. The traditional process only allows medical institutions to measure a person’s experience, knowledge, and skills based on documents and personal interviews. However, this application will enable them to test nurses’ skills in a virtual setting, wherein they handle cases and offer solutions. Healthcare and medical organizations can now hire based on data-driven decisions and practical skill tests.
vr and ar in healthcare
Photo. Nurses assessment
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Photo. Rashes

Skin changes due to various diseases

As clinicians, we see various skin changes or manifestations as a result of different diseases. Each ailment will have its own distinct skin condition, which guides or prompts the treating doctor to a possible diagnosis of the disease, leading to a faster conclusion and treatment plan. Our VR application exposes you to various skin changes in a plethora of pathologies, giving you the tools for early detection and diagnosis.
Interactions with virtual patients
Diagnoses trained
Mins in VR
Experts we work with
Alexander Morozov
MD. Therapist, radiologist
noroot (1)
Andrej Vitushka
MD–PhD. NICU doctor
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Stanislav Solovey
MD. Obstetrician-gynecologist
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Anastasia Akulich
MD. Pediatrician
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Olga Kutas
MD. Psychologist, neuropsychologist
What our clients say
Yekaterina Boyarkina
Medical Student

It can help us with all medical conditions and be instrumental within the surgical department. We enjoyed this new experience.
In an advanced era of technology, we should stay up to date and use this development to benefit medicine.

Eduard Dotsenko
MD-PhD. Professor, Therapist

The students enrolled in our department require specific technical skills as part of their medical training that is paramount for their
medical qualification. Virtual reality gives the possibility and opportunity for each student to practice these technical skills, examining
patients with no restriction or risk, which we are currently facing due to the current crisis. Students can train with VR for an unlimited time until they are comfortable with the modality.

Ghaith Mohammad Naef.
Medical Student

It is an exceptional experience; right now, we are breaking boundaries with patient-to-doctor experience through new technological methods. We are protected from diseases and infections that are spread through the air, and at the same time, it covers all the fundamental aspects of a real human being. Virtual reality is a reality with no limitations.

Abdel Fattah Nimer Mushah
Medical Student

I want to thank our professor who helped us today to learn using new technology, “Virtual Reality”, which allowed us to see a patient in front of us and try to find out the symptoms that he might be suffering from. We started using this method because of the COVID situation that prevents us from seeing actual patients. The existence of new technology such as VR is bridging the gap by allowing us training on virtual patients with no

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