12 Augmented Reality Examples in Business   

augmented reality applications in business

The usage of augmented reality (AR) is growing steadily and has transformed the way businesses operate. AR technology overlays digital information and virtual objects into the real-world environment, enhancing user experiences and providing organizations with a wide range of opportunities to innovate.
AR has expanded beyond its traditional domains of entertainment and gaming, finding applications across various industries. This blog post will explore 12 augmented reality examples in business and how this technology is revolutionizing industrial operations. Let’s start. 

Augmented reality examples in business: 12 use cases

1. Manufacturing

The manufacturing industry is being transformed by AR, as it improves efficiency and reduces errors. Through AR, workers can access real-time information and instructions overlaid on their working environment, eliminating the need for physical manuals or training. This technology helps maintain equipment, ensure accurate assembly, and reduce production downtime. The applications of AR in manufacturing industries include:

  1. Step-by-step visual instructions to assembly line workers 
  2. Technicians can use AR to access real-time information about machinery and equipment 
  3. AR is used for training new employees by overlaying digital information onto real-world equipment 
  4. AR technology can assist in quality control 
  5. Engineers and designers can use AR to visualize 3D models of products in a real-world environment 
  6. AR can be used to optimize warehouse operations by providing visual cues for picking and packing items 
  7. Field service technicians can benefit from AR by receiving remote assistance from experts 
  8. AR can be used for safety training by simulating hazardous scenarios in a controlled environment 
  9. AR helps in monitoring the efficiency of machines and identifying potential critical issues
  10. AR facilitates collaborative work by allowing multiple users to interact with the same virtual model simultaneously

2. Healthcare

AR is employed in healthcare to improve patient outcomes and support medical professionals. Surgeons, for instance, can use AR to overlay vital patient information and real-time imaging during surgical procedures. It assists in accurate diagnosis, surgical planning, and training medical students.

Surgical precision 

  1. Real-time 3D visualizations during surgery.
  2. Overlay of medical imaging data for precision.
  3. Improved accuracy and minimally invasive procedures.

Medical training 

  1. 3D modeling for anatomy and procedures.
  2. Simulation of surgeries and practice exercises.
  3. Enhances skill development for medical professionals.

Patient Education

  1. AR applications for explaining medical conditions.
  2. Interactive and immersive experiences for patients.
  3. Improved understanding and adherence to treatment plans.

Rehabilitation and physical therapy

  1. Engaging AR exercises for rehabilitation.
  2. Real-time feedback on patient movements.
  3. Accelerates recovery and makes therapy interactive.

Remote consultations and telemedicine

  1. Real-time visual information during virtual consultations.
  2. Projection of medical images and annotations.
  3. Enhances diagnostic capabilities in remote settings.

Medical imaging visualization

  1. Overlay of imaging results onto a patient’s body.
  2. Improved spatial understanding for healthcare professionals.
  3. Enhances diagnostic accuracy and decision-making.

3. Retail shopping experience

AR has transformed the retail industry by creating immersive shopping experiences. Customers can now virtually try on products such as clothes, accessories, or even furniture before purchasing. AR enables businesses to provide detailed product information, personalized suggestions, and interactive store navigation.

Virtual try-on

  1. AR allows consumers to try on clothing, accessories, or even cosmetics virtually.
  2. Enhances the online shopping experience by providing a realistic preview.
  3. Reduces the need for physical try-ons, improving convenience for shoppers.

In-store navigation

  1. AR-powered apps guide shoppers within stores, helping them locate products.
  2. Provides interactive maps and directions on mobile devices.
  3. Enhances the overall in-store experience and reduces search time.

Product visualization

  1. AR enables 3D product visualization through smartphones or AR glasses.
  2. Customers can see how furniture, electronics, or other items look in their own space.
  3. Improves decision-making by offering a more realistic preview of products.

Interactive catalogs


  1. Retailers can use AR to create interactive digital records.
  2. Customers can scan items to access additional information, reviews, or promotions.
  3. Enhances engagement and provides a more immersive shopping experience.

Virtual shopping assistants

  1. AR-powered virtual assistants help customers with product recommendations.
  2. Offers personalized suggestions based on preferences and purchase history.
  3. Improves customer service and provides a more tailored shopping experience.

4. Logistics

AR is being utilized in logistics to enhance warehouse management and improve accuracy in order fulfillment. With AR glasses, warehouse staff can efficiently locate items on shelves by following digital annotations and receiving real-time information about what they are handling. This streamlines the inventory management process and reduces errors. Here are six use cases for Augmented Reality (AR) in logistics: 

Pick-and-pack optimization

  1. AR assists warehouse workers in picking and packing orders efficiently.
  2. Provides visual cues and information on the best routes for order fulfillment.
  3. Reduces errors, increases speed, and improves overall warehouse productivity.

Inventory management

  1. AR enables real-time visibility into inventory levels and locations.
  2. Workers can use AR glasses or devices to locate and update stock information quickly.
  3. Enhances accuracy in inventory tracking and minimizes the risk of stockouts or overstock situations.

Quality control

  1. AR facilitates quality control inspections by overlaying relevant data on products.
  2. Workers can use AR devices to identify defects, check specifications, and ensure product quality.
  3. Streamlines the quality assurance process and reduces the risk of faulty shipments.

5. Sports

AR is revolutionizing the sports industry by bringing real-time data and analysis to players and viewers. For example, AR overlays virtual markers on the field to provide statistics, player movements, and game analysis in real-time in sports like football or basketball. This enhances the viewer experience and aids in player performance analysis. Here are four applications of AR in sports:

Fan engagement

  1. AR enhances the fan experience by overlaying additional information during live events.
  2. Fans can use AR apps to access player statistics, replays, and interactive content.
  3. Increases fan interaction and engagement during sports events.

Interactive stadium experiences

  1. AR can provide interactive experiences within sports stadiums.
  2. Fans can use AR apps to view augmented content related to the game or team.
  3. It enhances the in-stadium experience and creates a more immersive atmosphere.

Training simulation for Esports

  1. AR is utilized in training simulations for esports players.
  2. Players can practice strategies and gameplay in a virtual environment.
  3. Improves skills, teamwork, and strategic thinking in competitive gaming.

Sports analytics and visualization

  1. AR is used to overlay real-time analytics and statistics during sports broadcasts.
  2. Viewers can see live data about player performance, team statistics, and game insights.
  3. It enhances the understanding of the game and provides a more profound analysis for fans.

6. Training and education

AR is changing how we learn by creating interactive and immersive educational experiences. Students can now explore historical sites, view 3D models of complex structures, or conduct virtual experiments through AR. This technology helps engage students, improve retention, and simplify complex subjects.

Interactive learning materials

  1. AR enhances traditional learning materials by adding interactive elements.
  2. Textbooks, worksheets, or posters can come to life with additional multimedia content.
  3. Increases engagement and provides a more dynamic learning experience.

Virtual laboratories

  1. AR facilitates virtual labs for science and technical education.
  2. Students can conduct experiments in a simulated environment.
  3. Reduces costs, enhances safety, and expands access to practical learning.

Field trips and virtual tours

  1. AR enables virtual field trips and tours for a wide range of subjects.
  2. Students can explore historical sites, museums, or even distant locations.
  3. It enhances experiential learning and makes education more accessible.

Skill-based training

  1. AR is used for hands-on training in various vocational and technical fields.
  2. Trainees can practice procedures in a simulated environment with guidance from AR.
  3. Enhances practical skills and reduces the learning curve in technical disciplines.

7. Marketing/advertising

AR has revolutionized marketing and advertising by providing interactive and personalized experiences. Brands can create AR campaigns allowing users to visualize products in their environment or participate in engaging interactive experiences with the brand. This technology captures attention, enhances brand awareness, and drives customer engagement.

Interactive advertising campaigns

  1. AR transforms traditional advertising into interactive campaigns.
  2. Engages audiences with augmented content, increasing user participation and brand recall.

Immersive brand experiences

  1. AR enables marketers to create immersive and interactive brand experiences.
  2. Consumers can engage with products virtually, enhancing brand visibility and memorability.

Enhanced product visualization

  1. AR enables users to visualize products in their own environment before purchasing.
  2. It improves decision-making and reduces uncertainties, leading to increased sales.

8. Navigation

AR is transforming the way we navigate and find our way around. AR-based navigation apps overlay real-time directions and points of interest onto the user’s camera view, helping them reach their destinations more efficiently. This technology is instrumental in unfamiliar environments or busy cities.

Intuitive navigation

  1. AR enhances navigation by providing real-time, context-aware information.
  2. Users receive visual cues and overlays on their physical surroundings, improving route understanding.

Interactive maps

  1. AR-powered apps offer interactive maps with dynamic information.
  2. Users can access details about points of interest, directions, and contextual data for a more comprehensive navigation experience.

Augmented wayfinding

  1. AR assists users in wayfinding by overlaying directional information in the real world.
  2. Improves navigation in both indoor and outdoor environments, reducing confusion and optimizing travel efficiency.

9. Gaming

AR has brought gaming to a whole new level by merging virtual worlds with the real world. Games like Pokémon have demonstrated the immense potential of AR in creating interactive and immersive gaming experiences. Players can explore augmented environments and interact with virtual characters, objects, and challenges.

Immersive gameplay

  1. AR technology creates immersive gaming experiences by blending virtual elements with the real world.
  2. Players interact with game elements overlaid onto their physical environment, enhancing engagement.

Real-world integration

  1. AR games leverage real-world locations and objects as part of the gameplay.
  2. Enhances the gaming experience by connecting virtual adventures with the player’s surroundings.

Interactive multiplayer experiences

  1. AR enables interactive multiplayer gaming experiences where players can collaborate or compete in shared augmented environments.
  2. It enhances social interaction and provides a dynamic and collaborative gaming environment.

10. Defense and aerospace

The defense and aerospace industries use AR to improve situational awareness and mission efficiency. Fighter pilots, for example, can access real-time flight data, target information, and virtual displays overlaid onto their visors, reducing workload and increasing mission effectiveness.

Training simulations

  1. AR is utilized in defense and aerospace for realistic training simulations.
  2. Trainees can practice complex scenarios, improving decision-making and operational readiness.

Maintenance and repair assistance


AR aids technicians in performing maintenance and repairs on aircraft and equipment.

  1. Overlaying information onto physical components guides technicians, reducing downtime and ensuring precision.

Situational awareness

  1. AR enhances situational awareness for military personnel by overlaying critical data onto their field of view.
  2. Provides real-time information on threats, terrain, and mission-critical data, improving decision-making in the area.

11. Architecture and designing

AR is revolutionizing the architecture and design industries by providing virtual models and visualizations. Architects, real estate professionals, or interior designers can use AR to showcase virtual walkthroughs of their designs to clients, enabling them to visualize the outcome and make informed decisions.

3D visualization and modeling

  1. AR facilitates 3D visualization of architectural designs, allowing stakeholders to see virtual structures in real-world environments.
  2. Architects and designers can showcase projects, making it seamless for clients to understand and approve designs.

On-site construction guidance

  1. AR assists construction teams by overlaying digital blueprints onto physical construction sites.
  2. Construction workers can visualize the planned structure, improving accuracy and efficiency during the building process.

Client presentations and collaboration

  1. AR enhances client presentations by providing interactive, immersive experiences.
  2. AR allows designers to collaborate with clients in real-time, allowing them to explore and provide feedback on designs.

12. Remote collaboration and translation

AR technology facilitates remote collaboration by overlaying digital objects in real-time during conferences or meetings. It also has the potential to translate written or spoken language in real-time, making communication between individuals speaking different languages much more effortless.

Remote Collaboration

  1. AR facilitates remote collaboration by overlaying virtual elements in the real-world environment.
  2. Participants can share and interact with 3D models, annotations, and information, fostering seamless collaboration across distances.

Translation assistance

  1. AR can assist with real-time language translation by overlaying translated text or providing audio translations.
  2. Improves communication in multilingual settings, enabling better understanding and collaboration among individuals speaking different languages.

How can PROVEN Reality help? 

Augmented reality transforms businesses across various industries by enhancing productivity, improving customer experiences, and unlocking new possibilities. Whether manufacturing, healthcare, retail, logistics, or any other sector, AR creates opportunities for businesses to innovate, streamline operations, and stay ahead of the competition. The examples discussed highlight how AR contributes to the advancement of companies and drives positive change. If you want to take the next step to integrate augmented reality into your business, PROVEN Reality can help. Having the expertise to guide you through the complexities of AR and VR is what we do best. We are the leading AR and VR solutions providers in the UAE and Saudi Arabia. Contact us to learn more.