Augmented Product in Marketing: How it Works and Examples

Augmented Product in Marketing: How it Works and Examples


What is an AR product in marketing?

AR (Augmented Reality) products in marketing refer to virtual elements that are overlaid on the real world through a digital device, such as a smartphone or tablet. This technology enhances the user’s perception of reality by blending the physical environment with computer-generated images, videos, or 3D models.

Importance of AR technology in marketing

AR technology has become integral to marketing strategies due to several key benefits. One significant advantage is enhanced customer engagement, as AR provides interactive and immersive experiences that allow customers to engage with products in unique ways, fostering a deeper connection. Improved product visualization is another crucial aspect, as AR enables customers to visualize products in their own environment, reducing uncertainty and boosting confidence in the purchasing process. AR’s ability to overlay virtual elements on real-world objects facilitates personalization and customization, tailoring marketing messages to individual customers and enhancing the overall customer experience. Moreover, the integration of AR in marketing campaigns can generate buzz and excitement, leading to increased brand awareness and the attraction of new customers. Additionally, AR technology facilitates data collection and analysis, offering valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences, enabling businesses to refine targeting strategies and enhance overall marketing effectiveness.

Use AR to deliver marketing campaigns that resonate!

AR product creation

Process of creating AR products

The creation of AR products involves a systematic process beginning with ideation, where marketers brainstorm concepts aligning with brand goals. Subsequently, content creation takes place, encompassing the development of 3D models, videos, animations, or interactive elements. The next step involves integrating this content into an AR platform or software, allowing virtual elements to seamlessly overlay onto the real world. Thorough testing follows to ensure proper functionality and a seamless user experience, with refinements made as needed. Once the AR product passes testing, it is ready for launch, with deployment occurring through channels like mobile apps or QR codes. This holistic approach ensures the development of compelling and effective AR products that not only align with brand identity but also provide users with engaging and immersive experiences.

Tools and software used in AR product development

Various tools and software play a pivotal role in facilitating the development of AR products, catering to diverse needs and skill levels. Unity, a widely embraced game development platform, stands out for its robust support for AR development, enabling the creation of interactive and immersive AR experiences. Vuforia offers a comprehensive software development kit (SDK) with features like image recognition and tracking, crucial for crafting compelling AR applications. For platform-specific development, ARKit for iOS and ARCore for Android, provided by Apple and Google, respectively, furnish frameworks equipped with tools and libraries to simplify the AR development process. ZapWorks, on the other hand, stands out for its user-friendly AR creation toolkit, allowing marketers to generate AR experiences effortlessly without coding through a drag-and-drop interface, accompanied by an array of templates and features. These tools collectively empower marketers to create engaging and interactive AR products, enhancing their overall marketing strategies and delivering unique experiences for their customers.

AR product promotion

Techniques for promoting AR products

Effectively promoting AR products requires a strategic and multi-faceted approach to engage the target audience. Leveraging social media marketing proves instrumental, utilizing platforms to showcase AR experiences through captivating visuals and videos, sparking excitement and user engagement. Influencer marketing comes into play by collaborating with influential figures in the target market, allowing them to create and promote content featuring the AR product to their substantial following, thereby enhancing brand awareness and credibility. Email marketing proves invaluable by tapping into an existing subscriber list, crafting personalized emails that accentuate the unique benefits and features of the AR experience to entice subscribers to actively engage with the product. For mobile apps, app store optimization becomes crucial, involving the incorporation of relevant keywords, appealing visuals, and positive reviews to boost visibility and encourage downloads. To broaden the promotional reach, offline activities like live AR demonstrations and partnerships with industry-related events and conferences can effectively target a wider demographic. In amalgamating these techniques, marketers can orchestrate a comprehensive and impactful promotion strategy for AR products.

Targeting and engaging the audience

Successfully promoting AR products hinges on a nuanced understanding and targeted engagement with the right audience. Conducting thorough market research is foundational to identify the preferences, interests, and behaviors of the target audience, thereby informing tailored AR product promotion strategies. The emphasis on personalization is crucial; customizing AR experiences to align with the specific needs and preferences of the target audience fosters a deeper connection and enhances engagement. Integrating gamification elements into AR products, such as challenges, rewards, and competitions, adds interactivity and captivates users. Encouraging the generation of user content, be it through social media sharing or reviews, serves as impactful social proof and influences others to explore the AR product. Emphasizing continuous feedback and improvement demonstrates commitment to delivering a top-tier AR product, contributing to the cultivation of customer loyalty. Through the implementation of these techniques, marketers can not only effectively promote their AR products but also actively engage their target audience, ultimately driving adoption and usage.

Unleash AR to take your marketing strategy to the next level!

Implementing AR Product in Marketing Strategy

Setting goals and objectives

To successfully integrate AR into a marketing strategy, it is important to set clear goals and objectives. This involves determining what the AR experience aims to achieve, whether it is to increase brand awareness, drive sales, or enhance customer engagement. By defining these goals, marketers can then tailor their AR campaigns to meet the desired outcomes.

Creating compelling AR experiences

Once the goals are established, the next step is to create compelling AR experiences that resonate with the target audience. This involves designing interactive and engaging content that aligns with the brand’s messaging and values. Marketers can leverage AR tools and technologies, such as AR app development platforms and compatible hardware, to bring these experiences to life.

By utilizing AR app development platforms like Unity, ARCore, and ARKit, marketers can leverage the functionalities and features of these platforms to create immersive AR experiences. Additionally, compatible hardware options like smartphones, tablets, smart glasses, and headsets provide users with various ways to access and engage with AR content.

Overall, implementing AR products into a marketing strategy requires careful planning and execution. By setting clear goals and creating compelling AR experiences, marketers can effectively leverage these technologies to promote their products and engage with their target audience.

Measuring the Success of AR Marketing Campaigns

Key performance indicators (KPIs) for AR campaigns

In evaluating the success of AR marketing campaigns, the utilization of key performance indicators (KPIs) is paramount for gauging effectiveness and impact. These metrics serve as crucial benchmarks, including the engagement rate, which measures the depth of user interaction and time spent with the AR content. The conversion rate becomes pivotal, assessing the proportion of users who take desired actions, such as making a purchase or subscribing to a newsletter, following engagement with the AR experience. Another critical KPI is brand awareness, quantifying the campaign’s influence on increasing brand recognition within the target audience post-exposure to AR initiatives. Additionally, customer satisfaction measures are imperative, employing feedback and surveys to gauge user contentment levels, providing invaluable insights into the overall effectiveness and reception of AR campaigns. By analyzing these KPIs, marketers can gain a comprehensive understanding of the success and impact of their AR marketing endeavors.

Analyzing data and gaining insights

After the execution of an AR campaign and the diligent monitoring of key performance indicators (KPIs), the subsequent step involves a comprehensive analysis of the collected data to extract valuable insights. Leveraging analytics tools is instrumental in tracking user behavior within the AR experience, allowing marketers to discern highly engaged features or areas of the content. Moreover, the ability to segment data based on demographics or other relevant factors facilitates a nuanced understanding of diverse audience preferences and behaviors. Armed with these insights, marketers can make informed, data-driven decisions to identify both strengths and weaknesses in their AR strategies. This analytical approach empowers them to refine AR campaigns, optimize content, and enhance the overall user experience. Through this iterative process of analysis and improvement, marketers can consistently elevate the effectiveness of their AR marketing strategies, aligning them more closely with desired goals and objectives.

Examples of Successful AR Products in Marketing


IKEA has successfully incorporated AR into its marketing strategy with the IKEA Place app. The app allows users to virtually place furniture in their homes to see how it would look before making a purchase. This AR experience enhances the customer’s shopping journey and increases the likelihood of conversion.

BMW AR Showroom

BMW has created an AR showroom experience where customers can explore and interact with virtual models of their cars. This allows customers to visualize the features and design of the car in a more immersive way, leading to increased engagement and brand satisfaction.

Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go, an augmented reality mobile game, took the world by storm. The game allows users to interact with virtual Pokemon characters in the real world through their smartphones. This innovative use of AR not only resulted in a massive user base but also created opportunities for businesses to advertise and sponsor locations within the game.

Dive into the world of AR for unparalleled customer engagement!

Ways to overcome obstacles and maximize AR’s potentials

To overcome the challenges associated with AR implementation in marketing and maximize its potential, companies can adopt several strategic measures. Prioritizing user experience is paramount, ensuring that the AR interface is user-friendly, intuitive, and quick to load. A seamless and immersive user experience helps overcome technical limitations and compatibility issues. Thorough testing on different devices and platforms is crucial to address compatibility challenges, ensuring a consistent and tailored experience for all users. Investing in technological advancements is key to delivering high-quality AR marketing experiences, staying abreast of the latest hardware and software capabilities to unlock new possibilities. Providing clear and concise instructions for users to navigate and interact with AR content effectively minimizes frustration and enhances the overall experience. By addressing these challenges and staying attuned to technological advancements, marketers can fully harness the potential of AR technology in their marketing strategies, creating engaging and impactful experiences for their target audience.


Future prospects of AR in marketing

One of the main challenges in implementing AR in marketing is the existence of technical limitations and compatibility issues. These challenges arise due to the requirement of sophisticated hardware and software capabilities, which can be expensive and time-consuming to develop. Additionally, different AR platforms and devices may have varying levels of compatibility, making it difficult for marketers to create experiences that work seamlessly across all devices.

To overcome these challenges and maximize AR’s potentials in marketing, companies can take several measures. Prioritizing user experience is crucial to ensure that the AR experience is user-friendly, intuitive, and fast-loading. Thorough testing is also important to address compatibility issues, by testing the AR content on different devices and platforms. Investing in technological advancements and staying updated with new hardware and software capabilities can help overcome technical limitations and unlock new possibilities. Clear instructions and tutorials can also assist users in effectively navigating and interacting with the AR content.

By addressing these challenges and considering various factors, marketers can harness the full potential of AR technology in their marketing strategies, creating engaging and impactful experiences for their target audience. The future prospects of AR in marketing are promising,

As advancements continue to be made in the field, opening up new possibilities for innovative and immersive marketing campaigns.

Explore the dynamic possibilities of AR in marketing!