How Are AR and VR Becoming an Integral Part of Daily Life?


When “Back to the Future” hit the big screens almost three decades ago, the movie acted as a window to the possibilities the future could hold. Whether it was the more achievable concept of smart glasses used by the McFly family or the eccentric time machine, the movie indeed got people thinking and researching. Today, immersive technologies are no longer guesswork; they are a reality.

Through evolution and years of iterations, AR and VR have become interspersed with several daily-life things. They are not only dynamic tools for large-scale industries but also enhancing the quality of life by adding value to everyday tasks and situations.

As the amalgamation of alternative reality technologies and industries such as education and healthcare becomes more vivid, researchers are working on solidifying the blurred lines between AR/VR and everyday activities.

This blog will walk you through some examples of augmented and virtual reality in daily life and their impact. Read more to get immersed in the world of augmented and virtual reality.

Virtual Reality Applications in Daily Life

Workplace Collaboration

Living in a world where remote working has become a norm has opened the floor wide for implementing virtual reality in the workplace. While apps such as Zoom, TeamViewer, Skype, and others were already in place before the world entered the unfortunate pandemic year, they have now become indispensable resources. The apps facilitate remote working, allowing colleagues to collaborate through a virtual platform irrespective of their map coordinates.

Pain management in medical cases

A breakthrough in the healthcare sphere, VR is now being implemented on a large scale to manage acute, chronic pain experienced by patients during medical procedures. Proven Reality has launched its healthcare VR platform, which also comprises an immersive pain management app. The real-time application of the app was tested during the medical check-up of pediatric patients, showing exemplary results. The app is designed to make the healthcare experience comfortable for pediatric as well as adult patients.

Students using VR glasses in the training center

Hiring and Training

The paradigm shift from a traditional workspace to a virtual culture created roadblocks that can easily be tackled with VR. With the help of VR platforms, organizations can seamlessly conduct hiring and training processes without compromising quality. A real-life example of this feature is Proven Reality’s healthcare VR platform, which is integrated with a Nurses Training and Hiring app. This app allows healthcare professionals to present interviewees with real-life scenarios to test their skills and hire based on hands-on experience. The app can also be used to train nurses on potential cases and derive valuable insights.


Launched in 2011, this popular multimedia IM app became the most popular implementation of AR in the social media circuit. Snapchat uses artificial intelligence and augmented reality to detect a face and then overlay it with selected filters. Today, an array of social networking apps offer this feature.

Pitch Summary – Cricket

Digital augmentation has been a part of Cricket for eons now. The pitch summary, also called pitch map, uses AR to trace game metrics such as bowling length, number of on-side and off-side shots, distance and direction of boundaries and sixes, and much more. The pitch map is also used to take calls on an LBW, wide ball, or no ball decision.

The expanse of VR and AR implementation in today’s day and age is limitless. Several industries are now identifying potential processes that can be enhanced using immersive technologies, subsequently reducing costs and human hours. Combining VR and AR with daily life aims to create elevated experiences, quality access, and a digitally charged future. Would you like to experience the potential of immersive technologies? Visit our website now!

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